4 Tips for Keeping Your Invisalign White

4 Tips for Keeping Your Invisalign White

Invisalign, the popular invisible-alignment device, is touted as the most comfortable way to straighten your teeth. While it’s got a lot going for it, one drawback is that you can’t remove it and clean your mouth like traditional braces. It means that you have to be extra careful not to stain or damage your Invisalign aligners—especially since they’re made of plastic and metal. If you don’t take proper care of them (or if they get damaged somehow), staining can cause permanent discoloration on these clear-plastic devices. Fortunately, there are several things you can do at home to keep them looking like new:

Tip 1. Brush your teeth regularly

Invisalign can be a great way to straighten your smile, but keeping the aligners looking clean and white is not always easy. You can reduce the amount of staining by brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth (like Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief). Also, don’t forget to use fluoride toothpaste!

Tip 2. Avoid foods with high acidity

Avoiding acidic foods is one of the easiest ways to keep your Invisalign white. Acidic foods can cause tooth erosion and tooth decay, which will make your teeth look dull and yellow over time. If you have a habit of drinking soda or coffee regularly, consider cutting back on those beverages.

If you’re looking for something sweet that won’t stain your teeth, try adding some sugar-free lemonade powder to plain water–it’s delicious!

Tip 3. Use a whitening toothpaste

Using whitening toothpaste is one of the easiest ways to keep your Invisalign white. However, if you have sensitive teeth, be sure not to use whitening toothpaste. As its name suggests, whitening products will make your teeth more sensitive than usual–which means that using them could cause pain in areas where there was no pain before! If this might happen to you, stick with regular brushing until all signs of sensitivity pass before trying out new products again. If a dentist has diagnosed gum disease or an active cold/infection, avoid using whitening products until those conditions are resolved (this includes both prescription medications such as antibiotics as well).

Tip 4. Try a whitening rinse

To ensure your Invisalign is as white as possible, try rinsing your mouth with a whitening rinse. Rinse for 30 seconds, brushing around each bracket with a toothbrush if necessary. It can be done after every meal and at least once daily. Use cool water first and then warm water next, followed by cold water last (this will help keep your gums healthy).


Keeping your Invisalign white is essential for your teeth and how they look. As you can see from the tips above, it’s not difficult to keep your Invisalign white, but it does take some effort, especially if you have dark teeth or gums, to begin with. If you follow these four simple steps every day, then there’s no reason why your aligners won’t remain bright and sparkling!

Q. 1 What is the best way to keep my Invisalign white?

You should clean your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste but brush your Invisalign 
sparingly. You can also use a water flosser or mouthwash, but be careful not to get any liquid on your aligners.

Q. 2 How do I clean my Invisalign?

You can use a toothbrush but brush only a little. You can also use a water flosser or mouthwash, but be careful not to get any liquid on your aligners.

Q. 3 Will it hurt if I get food stuck between my teeth when I have Invisalign?

No! Get a toothpick and gently remove any food particles stuck between your teeth while eating.